Getting Paid Your Worth Because You Deserve It.

Jhan Poul Ortiz
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Your Time Is Gold

Like all creatives, sometimes we forget that we are not only selling a product or service but the time we dedicate to solving the problem in question. The question of “When a client asks me why do I have to pay you so much for something you do in a couple of hours?” The answer is because you don’t get paid to do it in a couple of hours, you get paid for the time you have dedicated to learning so that you can do it in less time than the others

So the next time you send a quote and the client questions the hours you spend at work, remember this phrase. Your career or the time you have been in this profession is a large part of what you earn; your time and your experience to execute more and better and that time is worth gold. If you invest so much time, why shouldn’t you value it?

“Do it, only then will you gain confidence”

It’s time to say stop! to the impostor syndrome, to stop thinking that there are others out there who probably do better than you and that only they deserve to charge more, that you are not good enough and that is why you should charge cheap.

Yes, it is true that there are many people who “charge” just to collect and in a certain way incite the industry to lose value but if you are here we are sure that you do not enter that profile and we are going to give you some advice that will help you understand why what if you can charge more.

Because you do not sell to your competition, whom you consider experts, you sell to an audience that today needs what you can offer, no matter if it is a complete strategy or the management of social networks; And that level of knowledge also has value.

Because if you give your all to execute with the knowledge you have today, why shouldn’t you value it?

